
night fall

night falls.
in the stillness,
in the silence,
in the solitude,
a song of sighing wings.
death comes.
i am ready for her kiss.


#rflxn: are you making that choice? “Nonviolence means...

#rflxn: are you making that choice?

“Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence but also internal violence of the spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him.”

#MartinLutherKingJr #reissue (at The Aerie)

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“ The point is, becoming a better leader is a process. Meaning, people can’t change overnight...

The point is, becoming a better leader is a process. Meaning, people can’t change overnight – despite what all the training programs, motivational speeches and executive retreats say to the contrary. This insight may come as a surprise to anyone who’s recently attended a leadership-development program. Typically, these kinds of initiatives assume that as long as you understand the problem, you’ll be able to make a change. But that’s far easier said than done.

After all, everyone knows that smoking is harmful to our health. And yet, some people still can’t kick the habit.

But just because change takes time doesn’t mean it can’t happen. It’s just about putting new habits into practice, following up on your progress and sticking to your goals.

#WhatGotYouHereWontGetYouThere #MarshallGoldsmith #Blinkist #BookWorm

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#RUMInations (at The Aerie)

#RUMInations (at The Aerie)

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#rflxn: how have you ab/used power? “I hope our wisdom...

#rflxn: how have you ab/used power?

“I hope our wisdom will grow with our power, and teach us that the less we use our power the greater it will be.”

#ThomasJefferson #reissue (at The Aerie)

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“ A coach can’t succeed unless his team trusts him. As the first principle of coaching, trust...

A coach can’t succeed unless his team trusts him. As the first principle of coaching, trust is vital because it facilitates good communication. Two people that share trust are more likely to be open and honest with each other. Secrets or lies don’t pose a threat to their bond.

The second key principle of coaching is about potential. What does this mean? Coaching is based on the assumption that each person has the potential to grow and become something better.

A person’s motivation to achieve long-term goals stays strong only when she has a firm internal commitment to those goals. One way to create lasting internal commitment is to ask powerful coaching questions, and listen actively.

When people become aware of their own goals and importantly, why they want to achieve these goals, their purpose becomes tangible and their will to commit becomes stronger.

Final principle: execution. How do coaches approach this crucial step? Remember: the job of a coach is not to push or pull a client toward fulfillment. Instead, a coach’s job is to ensure that the client can get where she wants to go herself. The best way to ensure this is for the coach to help the client learn to work in the flow state. A flow state is when you feel totally absorbed with a task and completely focused, with your mind, body and soul. In the flow state, you get the most done and you move naturally toward your end goal.

#UnlockingPotential #MichaelKSimpson #Blinkist #BoowWorm

four principles: trust, potential, commitment, execution.😎

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#RUMInations (at The Aerie)

#RUMInations (at The Aerie)

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#rflxn: how do you handle power? “Nearly all men can...

#rflxn: how do you handle power?

“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”

#AbrahamLincoln #reissue (at The Aerie)

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“ One common mistake presenters make is that we assume our listeners will be automatically...

One common mistake presenters make is that we assume our listeners will be automatically interested in what we have to say. It’s just not true. Instead, we should work to remind our listeners how they can benefit from what we have to say. Likewise, a presentation can flop when it focuses too much on how ideas can improve the company overall, rather than benefiting the individuals involved. To keep an audience interested, focus on how your ideas will make their day more efficient and help them be more productive. Another tip for getting a message across is to use stories, rather than relying on numbers and statistics.

…shifting the focus of your presentation: don’t dwell on what you’re telling people, but refine instead how you’re telling it.

#AsWeSpeak #PeterMeyers #ShannNix #Blinkist #CommunicationCourse #BookWorm

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#RUMInations (at The Aerie)

#RUMInations (at The Aerie)

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#rflxn: do you see your futile efforts? “Don’t...

#rflxn: do you see your futile efforts?

“Don’t spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.”

#CocoChanel #reissue (at The Aerie)

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“ We are constantly mirroring those around us, i.e., recognizing, acknowledging and...

We are constantly mirroring those around us, i.e., recognizing, acknowledging and reciprocating the feelings and emotions of the individuals we’re engaged with. Interestingly, mirroring is actually programmed into our brains: brain cells called mirror neurons allow us to experience what we perceive that others are feeling. Mirror neurons used to be called "monkey see, monkey do”.

These neurons could even be the basis for human empathy. In fact, researcher V.S. Ramachandran has called mirror neurons “empathy neurons” because of the way they bring people closer together. Mirror neurons are also what cause us to constantly try to appease those around us, satisfy others’ wishes and expectations, and seek their approval.

When our feelings aren’t met with empathy, but instead with apathy, hostility or other negative responses, we’re less likely to feel connected to others. Studies have shown that if we mirror others but aren’t mirrored in return, we develop a deficit in our mirror neuron receptors. When these mirror neuron receptor deficits occur, we feel alone and disconnected.

#JustListen #MarkGoulston #Blinkist #CommunicationCourse #BookWorm

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#Batman 12 #DCURebirth #iAmSuicide (at The Aerie)

#Batman 12 #DCURebirth #iAmSuicide (at The Aerie)

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eid'l fitr mubarak 😇 a blessed sunday “Something opens...

eid'l fitr mubarak 😇 a blessed sunday

“Something opens our wings. Something makes boredom and hurt disappear. Someone fills the cup in front of us: We taste only sacredness.”

~ Rumi

#RUMInations #Ramadan2017 (at The Aerie)

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“ A lot of the time, kids don’t listen to their parents because their feelings aren’t being...

A lot of the time, kids don’t listen to their parents because their feelings aren’t being acknowledged. A child’s behavior is tied to how he or she feels, and often when we communicate with a child, we don’t address this.

The only way to get through to him is to accept and address his feelings. You can start with an acknowledgement of how he feels – this shows you are listening.

Remember to be honest, though. Don’t try to acknowledge his feelings if you don’t understand what they are, as he will pick up on this and think you aren’t listening to him, which will add more fuel to the fire.

#HowtoTalkSoKidsWillListen_and_ListenSoKidsWillTalk #AdeleFaber #ElaineMazlish #Blinkist #BookWorm

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#RUMInations #Ramadan2017 (at The Aerie)

#RUMInations #Ramadan2017 (at The Aerie)

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#rflxn: what is your Love’s Cause? “Love must not...

#rflxn: what is your Love’s Cause?

“Love must not revolve around the two people involved. Instead, the people involved revolve around something else: a greater thing. A goal, you might say, or a cause. Because love must also be an outward force.”

~ Anonymous (at The Aerie)

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#RUMInations #Ramadan2017 (at The Aerie)

#RUMInations #Ramadan2017 (at The Aerie)

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“ People naturally want to understand the reasons behind the things they see and do. If you...

People naturally want to understand the reasons behind the things they see and do. If you can give them a reason, they’ll be more motivated to act. "Because” is powerful, but remember: you can’t force someone to feel motivated. They have to find that motivation on their own.

#MagicWords #TimDavid #Blinkist #BookWorm

magics words: yes. no. but. because. if. help. thanks. 😇

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#rflxn: what is your role in this situation “Do not worry...

#rflxn: what is your role in this situation

“Do not worry about holding high position; worry rather about playing your proper role.”

#Confucius (at The Aerie)

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#RUMInations #Ramadan2017 (at The Aerie)

#RUMInations #Ramadan2017 (at The Aerie)

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#rflxn: do you appreciate your Work’s...

#rflxn: do you appreciate your Work’s importance

“Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.”

#MahatmaGandhi #reissue (at The Aerie)

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“ There are two routes to self-improvement and to changing your own life: One way is...

There are two routes to self-improvement and to changing your own life: One way is addressing the skills necessary for a certain desired behavior; that is, by studying communication skills or time-management techniques. Alternatively, you can take the long way round by digging a bit deeper and working on your character: the fundamental habits and belief systems which form your view of the world.

Thevfirst approach is effectively an attempt to take a shortcut to success: becoming rich without working for your money, or achieving personal growth without undergoing any real development. Yet real personal growth cannot be reached via shortcuts. On the road to true effectiveness, you cannot afford to skip a single step.

If you really want to change, you need to work from the inside out. Only once you’ve drastically changed yourself can you start to change the world around you.

#The7HabitsofHighlyEffectivePeople #StephenRCovey #Blinkist #BookWorm

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